Whether you are a passionate yogi wanting to become a teacher, a budding yogi wanting a deeper understanding of the yoga practice, or a fitness leader wanting to add yoga to your repertoire, this 200 hour course will give you the tools to unlock your yogic potential and inspire the fire within you to burn brighter and light up all those you come in contact with.

Immerse yourself in the yogic path and seek your truth to live the life you dreamed. Power House Yoga’s 200 hour Teacher Training is an in depth study of asana, anatomy, physiology and philosophy covering topics including alignment and adjustments, pranayama and meditation, joint complexes and bodily systems, chakras and meridians, Ayurveda and nutrition, yogic history and traditional philosophies, practice teaching and assisting and much, much more!

Course director, master trainer and senior yoga teacher, Dee Taueki, will lead the teacher training and facilitate a positive and nurturing learning environment. The best students make the best teachers! Know that we are all eternal students with something to share as teachers. So if you have thought about completing your yoga teacher training, think no more… JUST DO IT!

Open the doors for personal growth and be the change you wish to see in the world!!


Course enrolments are now open via application only. Please email completed application form to [email protected].
Course numbers are limited to allow for maximum learning, mentoring and coaching purposes.

If you are wanting to do an in depth yoga course but do not want to teach, then check out The Power House YOGA Course.

It takes a great amount of courage to embark on any journey in life. By finding and connecting to that courage, you will already be “teaching”, you will already be leading by example, you will have already tapped into your Power House! By not letting fear, anxiety, doubt, uncertainty or any other negative emotions stand in the way of transforming yourself; you are creating the tools to help transform others. Courage alone is immensely inspiring!! Find the courage to really live from your Power House!
“You will never do anything in this world without Courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.”
~ Aristotle

Teacher Training with Power House Yoga is a process that will not only give you the guidance, knowledge and understanding required to be a competent, powerful teacher, it will also give you the confidence essential to lead by example in every aspect of your life. Similar to Gandhi’s famous quote “my life is my message” we believe that each teacher’s life is the source from which they teach and therefore their message.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
~ Gandhi

Course director, master trainer & facilitator and senior yoga teacher, Dee Taueki, leads all the teacher training programs held at Power House Yoga. Our aim is to facilitate a positive and nurturing, yet challenging learning environment. The best students make the best teachers! Know that we are all eternal students with something to share as teachers. Our courses offer the foundational knowledge of what it takes to be a power house of a teacher in any area of life; not seeking approval, not people pleasing, but clearly demonstrating a powerful way of living and of being for others to learn from and be inspired by. When a teacher vibrates like this, students not only come, they line up outside the doors.


We understand and pride ourselves in the fact that each graduating student is a representative of Power House Yoga – whether teaching within our studio, other studios, privately, gyms or anywhere in the world!! For this reason, we are dedicated to YOU. Unique to Power House Yoga, Community Yoga Classes as well as Asana Assisting opportunities are offered to current and past teacher trainees. Within these classes, our experienced training team offer mentoring and coaching opportunities. These experiences are invaluable and will set you apart from the rest.


Our training programs are not only for new teachers but are also a great way for already established teachers to progress in their training or to reignite the passion for teaching or for students who simply want to learn more about this great tradition and Power House Yoga’s modern day fusion of many styles, systems and philosophies.


Our training programs are designed for immersed study that requires full commitment. You are already a teacher, we all are… Now connect to your Power House and learn the art of transforming lives!!

“The one exclusive sign of thorough knowledge Is the power of teaching.”
~ Aristotle

Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School 200 & 300 Hours.
Yoga Australia & Fitness Australia Registered Training Programs.