The Teacher Training Journey

The How, The What, The Who, The When, but most importantly, The WHY! Seva, in the philosophy of yoga, means “Service” – Service to ourselves and service to others. Becoming a yoga teacher is just that… Service! We serve ourselves on the yogic path; becoming the best versions of ourselves we can be and […]
Bikram Yoga vs Hot Yoga (Yoga Heat)

If only I had a dollar for the amount of times I get asked… “So is this Bikram Yoga?” The firm answer is no but I can totally understand why the question is asked so often. For so long, the only “hot” yoga was known as Bikram. We have had Power Yoga as its heated […]
Modern Yoga Hits Berwick

Dee Taueki Originally Published by Berwick News (Star Community) If you haven’t heard the hype yet, here it is. Power House Yoga, a fresh, vibrant, hot yoga studio has recently opened in the heart of Berwick. There’s a reason why everyone’s talking about this studio and according to studio owner and senior teacher […]